Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brooke's Birthday :)

So Yesterday was Brooke's birthday! She turned 21! We celebrated on Sunday with a wonderful dinner and cake! Brooke I hope you had a great day and that this year will bring you much happiness! Thanks for being my sister!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Changing of Seasons

So this years weather has been nothing but crazy! Who would of thought that it would be 85 degrees in October. we had a very long winter hardly any spring and now summer is going into fall. I really love the fall. it cools down a little but is not to cold. I love the wonderful fall colors and I get to wear sweaters :) I was wondering if it was ever going to come... and today as I was driving up the canyon back to Logan i saw this... and it was a sight for sore eyes! Fall is coming! :)

Taking Chance

OK so this is one of the best movies i have ever seen! Oh I love it so much! I watched it for the first time on Thursday and then I watched it again on Friday.
I am so amazed by all that goes into and the honor that the soldiers receive. I am truly grateful for them and all that they do! I am Proud to be an American!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Help

OK so I  have been reading the book The Help and I finished it last night! Oh man! I LOVE this book. It is so good. I love how it is written just like the people talk in the south. I can't wait to go and see the movie now. I highly recommend this book!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Waterskiing 2011

Yesterday was our family tradition of going water skiing with Bro./Bishop/Dr. Hall:)

It was so much fun! I was My family and the Folkersons. We went up to Pine view and the weather and water was great. We are so grateful for Bishop Hall for taking us. He is such a great man. We all had a lot of fun between Water skiing, Tubing and riding the Jet Ski. Below are the pictures to explain our fun. :)

Me Getting up on the water skis. It was my second attempt :)

Me just having fun :)

Logan did a great job of getting a picture of me letting go :)

Dad getting ready to Water ski

Dad water skiing

Logan Getting ready

as Logan was skiing Brooke and Sammy were on the jet ski watching him

Logan Water skiing

Nate on the Wake board. He was totally Awesome!

Skyler playing in the water. He was always in the water any chance that he could. he was a little fish.

This is Sam Mathias getting ready to get up on the water skis.

Brooke Water skiing

DJ I think on the Wake board.

DJ Catching some air and water :)

Sam and Sky on the tub ready to go out and have some fun!

Sam and Sky on the tube holding on for dear life. The both went flying off a few times. I think that we gave them a 10 for all the rolls on the water that they did :)

Me and Bishops granddaughter Lauren. We went slow and it was fun and super bumpy and we laughed a lot. it was great!

DJ, Chris,and Nate on the tube

DJ and Chris.. Nate has flown off....

Oh man they were going off the tube left and right. it was awesome!

DJ was being stubborn and at one point was barley hanging on and the tube flipped and he made an air pocket so he could breath... then he finally fell off :)

Bishop hit a really big wave and got mom and Marci soaking wet with all the towels and they were trying to ring them out. :)

Brooke and Logan on the tube. They had some good rides.

Logan in Brooke's spot and if you look really close you can see Brooke rolling across the water. :) lol. this is why we love "Death Tubing"

DJ tried this new thing called a Wake Skate. Hi did really good. :)

I love August for this reason! what such great memories and so much fun. The next day you are sore but it is totally worth it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday DJ!

So Yesterday August 15th Was my brother DJ's Birthday! He turned 24! Happy Birthday Bud! Love Ya!! I hope you have a great year!

Teen Wolf

Ok so my friend Kirsten got me addicted to this show. :) And I Love It! It is so good! It is suspenseful and funny, cute, and has Hot guys! :) Last Night was the Season Finale. I am sad about that but cant wait til the next season.

So the show is on MTV and it is about werewolves. Below are some of the main characters and how they fit into the show. :)

This is Allison. She is not a werewolves but her family hunts werewolves. She just found out in the last 2 episodes about her family and their secret. She is also in love with Scott and the are on and off again boyfriend girlfriend. She is super beautiful and is amazing at an bow and arrow.

This is Stiles. He is Scott's best friend and the comic relief in the show. Love Him! He is not a werewolf but helps out his friend. He helps Scott to keep his werewolf identity a secret and control it. He also is helping him find the Alfa. His dad is the town sheriff.

This is Scott McCall. He is the main character and a werewolf. He is a great guy that does not want to be a werewolf or kill anyone. He is trying to find the alpha so that he can kill it so he does not have to be a werewolf any more. He is in love with Allison! She keeps him calm and his wolf powers limited.

This is Derek. He is also a werewolf. He has a great body in this show and most of the time has his shirt off. :P He is also trying to figure out who the alpha wolf is. he teaches Scott about what and how to be a werewolf.

This is Jackson. He is a school mate of Scott, Stiles and Allison. He is not a ware wolf but wants to be one. He wants the power and strength. He is a spoiled rich kid who feels entitled. he sometimes helps Scott and Stiles.

I can't wait til next season. :) but for now i will just have to re watch them on the Internet.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Moving Day Again!

Ok so I think that since i started this blog that I have moved like 3 times. But oh well, such is my life. I moved again on Wednesday. Hopefully I can stay here for a while. This move felt like a bigger change for me. I moved to the west side of town and that makes a big difference. I am no longer on the Student side of town. the ward I moved into has people more my age and I am excited about that. I can pay monthly which is great and it comes with a pool, small gym, playground, basketball court and a lot of grass. It is a newer apartment then what i have been living in. I am excited but my life has been filled with a lot of change lately and i am not going to lie I am having a hard time with it.

Well Brooke and i got all the small stuffed moved before 1 on Wednesday and Mom, Dad, Skyler, Grandma and Grandpa came and helped with the rest. They are so amazing and I am truly grateful for them and all that they do for me. They put together my whole room. It is wonderful.
Here are the Pics below...

Love it! it is so cute and wonderful! Grandma said the next time I move I better have a Husband to help us. :) I hope so grandma, I hope so!

Baby Shower!

On Saturday August 6Th there was a baby shower for my cousin April! I am so excited for April and Ben and their soon to be Baby Girl!

Brooke and I drove down to American Fork. I was so great to be with family, laugh and talk, hug, and to make girly noises at all the cute little baby things. Why are things so much cuter when they are smaller? I just can't help but melt and want to buy it all.

I can't wait to see their sweet little girl! Congrats April and Ben!

This is the cute little onssie that we got for the baby and then we got her some diapers. :)


So I love to blog stock.. this is not new news.. but I found this way cute tutorial about how to make a pear ribbon necklace( sorry I don't remember where) and I decided that I was going to make one.

Well, I bought all the stuff and started, and re did, and started and redid, and then i decided it needed a flower and then i had to find a flower that I could make that was cute and that took some time and then I had to find the time to do it and ....... Finally it looks like this!

It is not the best picture but you can kind of tell what it looks like. So now that I have made one I can make more :) yeah!

100 Posts!

YEAH!! I HAVE MADE IT TO 100 BLOG POSTS!!! Wow I started this blog about a year ago and never thought that i would use it this much. It has been fun to have a blog. I LOVE it! What a great milestone! I can't wait til i hit 200 :)

My Friend Dave Herd

This is my friend Dave Herd! We have been friends for a long time! Luv this kid! He is so sweet and such a great friend. When I was working in Ogden and Close to Kaysville We went on a friend date to go and get some Frozen yogurt and catch up. He is such a Stud. He calls me"bee". I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends especially one like Dave! :)

Ok so this place is in Kaysville and it is so so so so Yummy!!!

Soul Surfer

My parents went and saw Soul Surfer when it came to Kaysville theater. After the called me and said that I had to see it. That it was so amazing. Well I could never get to the theater up here in Logan and when I went home I never could find the time.

The last week of July I was scheduled to work in Ogden to do some testing on a new program for work. I was done at 5 so that gave me extra time at night to play with my family. On July 28Th Dad, Mom, Me and Skyler went to the movies. Mom and Skyler saw Poppers Penguins and Dad and I went and saw Soul Surfer.

Oh man I was so so good! I SOBBED through the whole movie. It was so so good. It was so inspirational and had such a good message. It came out on DVD on Aug 2ND and I bought it! I highly recommend it.

July 24th 2011

So, the 24th of July is one of my favorite Holidays. I love the history of the Pioneers, the fireworks, the day off, the time to spend with family and the celebration of 3 months til my birthday. :)

This year it was on a Sunday and it was my Beautiful Cousins Homecoming also.

I love this cute girl. She is so so sweet, kind, genuine, amazing and any other wonderful words. She just got home from her mission and I am so excited that she is back. I missed her so much. She served such a great mission and so many wonderful stories. After church we went back to their house and ate some wonderful Mexican food and chilled and talked with family. It was wonderful.

DJ knows a family from his mission that live really close to Aunt Sue's house so Dad, Mom, DJ and I went over to see them. they were so awesome. I loved their accent and their southern attitudes. It is so wonderful. So when we were trying to find their house we had to flip a Uie and we saw this sign. We were laughing so hard and I had to take a picture of it.

Seriously the could of spaced it out better or changed the color, but it makes for a good laugh.

Then we headed home to do Fireworks! DJ had some leftover and bought some of our favorites that we liked when we sold them. It was awesome! we invited the neighbors and they brought some fireworks too. we also had a bunch of neighbors just show up to see what all the noise was about. It was a great show and we had fun. I love Holidays and the family, friends and neighbor get togethers. :)

Massive amounts of fireworks

Me, Nate, Brooke, Logan
