Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ragnar Relay: Wasatch Back 2011

Yeah We all survived Ragnar!!! June 17-18 was the Ragnar relay: Wasatch Back.

Just some information about Wasatch Back.. It starts in Logan and ends in Park City. This year it was 191.7 miles. The Wasatch back is a relay running event. Most teams consist of 12 runners. each runner has a different amount of miles to run and difficulty of the run. There are 2 vans. Van 1 has runners 1-6 and van 2 has runners 7-12. there are exchanges where one runner passes the slap bracelet to the other runner and then there are major exchanges where Van 1 finishes and Van 2 starts. They keep going and going until they finish. the idea is that as Van 1 is running Van 2 is either eating or sleeping and when van 2 is running van 1 is eating or sleeping. This really does not allow much time for any of that though. Also most teams have to provide 3 volunteers to help out for the race. now volunteer is a iffy word for this because they are part of the team but if they don't show up to their scheduled time the team gets disqualified. now that puts a lot of pressure on the volunteer. plus you can have 2 drivers.

I love the Ragnar motto "Run, Drive, Sleep? Repeat" it is so so true.

This year our team was #756(of about 1100 entries) and the name was "Top Run". Now I say "our" team because it was a family event this time. Melinda, Logan, and Spencer Ran the race and Me, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa were volunteers.

Mom got an awesome volunteer spot and helped Monday before the race and put together packets for the vans. Grandma and Grandpa went to the starting line and where helping out up there. they had to be there at 1:30 am to 7:30ish am. then I had a water station on leg 11 up trappers loop and handed out water or power aid to the runners as they started a very steep incline. I had a blast! I met some fun ladies and cheered a lot. i got to see some of the fun and interesting costumes... the guy in the speedo(yuck) the bear bum viking,(yuck) and some of the cute ones. my time was from 12-5:30pm.

Melinda was runner #3 and she did amazing!! her three run miles were 5.6 4.9 3.6=14.10 miles. Man we love being her support team. it is so much fun to cheer her on and drive ahead a little bit and wait and cheer again and do it again and again. on her second run we were able to do this and it was fun. we were cheering for this other guy to, just randomly, and then this SUPER HOT guy ran by. Oh Man!! he was so hot and so buff and worth dreaming and drooling over. Mom totally hung out the window and cat called at him and he had this smile on his face( we could not tell if it was.. ya i know i am hot or i can't believe this lady just did that) sadly we never saw him after that.

Logan was runner #8 and his miles were 3.4 7.0 5.9=16.3. he did great! we got a lot of pics of him running(down below) we got to cheer him on also. it was super fun. Him and Specner were in the same car and they had a good time and lots of memories.

Spencer was runner #12. Oh man can i just say how amazing he did and how proud of him i am. he had 3 very hard runs and he kicked but. his three runs were 4.7 6.9 6.9=18.5. i think that they were mostly all up hill with rough turaine and other crazy things. now because of the difficulty of his runs we were not allowed to go along and cheer him on. on his second run he ran right past Aunt Shireleens house and since that is were we were staying i was so excited to go out and cheer him on. i went out at 4 am and started cheer for every person that came by. since it was dark i could not see who was coming so i cheered for everyone.. one guy told me that i was crazy and to go back to bed. well i was out there for 30 min. and i never saw Spencer. so i called his phone to see if someone in the car would pick up and Spencer did. My heart sank! I missed him. he ran past just before i got out there. but then they came back to aunt shirleens and ate and slept a little and so i got to give him a hug. Since he was #12 he was the last on and had the one to run into the finish line. He had his buddies on the Davis high xc team that he was trying to stay a head of on this run and he was so awesome and came in and stayed in front of him. :) when he came to a specific point the rest of the team could join him and they could all finish the race together. it was awesome! i am so proud of them!

so the fastest team to come into the finish line was the BYU XC team. there total time was 18:38:18.7.. now that is super fast. My mom was talking to them after and they were so nice and gracious. The Davis High xc team came in at 20:29:09.8 and was #3 and #4 team to come in was Spencer's coach and their time was 20:37:21.2

Top Run came in at 31:58:14.5... Yeah I think that it is amazing!

It was so much fun to participate and be part of the team without running :)

here are some of the pics that i did get to take....

Snapshot of Spencer... Tired, sleep deprived, and sore!

Love ya Bud!

Logan getting ready to run

Logan running

one mile to go on his last run!

Aunt Shirleen Brooke and Me in the back of Grandma and Grandpa's car watching Logan run

The team after they finished (minus Buzz and Anne Brough)

The support team :)

Adam after he finished! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Yeah! It finally arrived! The fist day of summer! I love the summer especially after a long cold winter.

Some of my favorite things about summer are...

  • family

  • friends

  • the sun

  • warm weather

  • sun burns(I don't tan)

  • fun activities

  • trips

  • watermelon

  • corn on the cob

  • fresh garden foods

  • making salsa

  • the 4th and 24th of July

  • rodeos

  • sand volleyball

  • swimming

  • fun

  • Boating

  • waterskiing

  • tubing

  • and much much more!

I am glad that it is here! Please Summer stay a while!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Last night Kayla, Carlee and I went out for Sushi. :) Carlee and Kayla really like it and they invited me to come but i declined at first cause i don't like it but they they said they have other food besides sushi so i said that i would go. It was a lot of fun. I got chicken teryaiki. The girls had me try some of their sushi and i have to say that it was not horrible but i could not get passed the sea weed taste. Bad memories with sea weed. Here are some pics..

Thanks Girls It was super FUN!

Lagoon Day 2011

Oh June 9th was Dad's Lagoon and the day before Nils left to go back home. So it was our last big family event. We had a lot of fun and really appricate dads company for putting it on. We took lots of pictures and had lots of laughs.

Here are all the kids getting read for Jet Star

Brooke Logan Spencer on the "Egg Beaters"

Brookie got super squished.

Me Skyler and Nils

I think that Nils had a lot of fun squishing skyler

Skyler Nils Logan and Brooke on the Bumper cars

Me Skyler and Mom on the Tilta Whirl

We got it going so well. It is one of mom's favorites.

Logan Brooke Spencer Skyler and Nils In line for the Rocket Re-Entry

Me and two cute little girls on Samari

Nils Skyler Logan Brooke and Spencer on Samari

Nils and Me on the White Rollercoaster

Skyler and Spencer on the white Rollarcoaster.

ok, so as the ride got going I heard these Massive Girl screams I started laughing so so hard cause i thought they were coming from skyler but there were some gils in front of him. :)

Nils Logan Brooke and Spencer(skyler on the other side of spencer) on the Tidle Wave

Dad Mom and Me on the Tidal Wave

Spencer and Skyler on the Swings

Me on the Swings

Ok so we went over to Raddle Snake Rapids after dinner and everyone but mom rode it. now we have been on that ride so many times but none of us have ever had that much fun on it. I laughed so hard my side ached. we really did not want to get wet but ya have to ride this ride. well the boat spun in circles the whole time it was crazy. everyone kept moving up and down and to the side and every direction just not to get wet. it was so so funny

and of course we got dricnched by the water fall

all of us after words

All WET!

So since they were already wet they decided to go on the Cliffhanger.

oh boy that was a mistake. they got soaked! it was funny watching them.

This is an after Picture. Soaked from head to toe.

they are all squizing out their clothes, socks and shoes and a waterfall of water came out. they were so so wet!

Trying to dry off in the sun

Riding Wicked

Dj and Skyler on the Spider

Me and Skyler on the Wild Mouse

Brooke Loand and Skyler on the Music Express

Dj and Nils

Me and Spencer

Me and Skyler

It was a super fun day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

For Memorial day Weekend the whole family got together with my mom's side and we went to lava hot spring to the School House Inn. I am not going to lie I was very nervous about going to this place for the whole weekend with everyone but it turned out really well and we had a lot of fun. So, here are some massive amounts of pictures to showcase the weekend.

Uncle Merrill made some stilts and we were all played on them trying to walk and get up on them.

Nils on the Stilts

Dad and Skyler on the Stilts


On Saturday morning it was beautiful and good weather and Uncle Merrill had brought up these motor bikes that were totally awesome! we had so much fun riding them. we were outside playing in the road for 2-3 hrs. we rode the bikes and played with a potato gun that Aaron made and we hula hooped and jumped roped. it was such a blast!

Spencer on the Bike

Jaden and Spencer

(they had fun racing each other)

Dad and Skyler


Me :)


(there was a cold breeze when you rode)

Me, GRANDMA, Spencer

(we were all so impressed that grandma rode the bikes. she did awesome.)

Aaron and Jarin with the Potato Gun

(jarin developed a crush on Aaron and never left his side)

Spencer and Aaron

Me shooting the potato gun

Melinda walking on the stilts

Tiffany on the stilts

(she is pro)

Spencer Hula Hooping

Tiffany Hula Hooping

Mom and Sue Jump roping

Spencer trying to jump rope on stilts

After we got done playing outside it was still great weather so we went swimming. the kids got passes to both parks and the adults just went to the got springs. We had a blast. there were water slides and the pool and they had Olympic diving platforms. They were super high. Spencer, Nils and Jaden went and signed a wavier to jump and tested their manhood. they all jumped from the bottom 2 but only Spencer and jaded jumped from the highest one. I was so proud of them.

I even went on the scary purple slide. it was great.

Jaden on the platform

Spencer on the platform

Nils Jumping

they all made big splashes

everyone in the pool

Skyler on the red water slide

the yellow and scary purple slide

after we were all done swimming and sitting in the hot springs we all went home and showered and got ready took naps and relaxed. we ate dinner and then there was a dance in Chesterfield and we decided that we were going to crash it. at first we were very nervous about going and thought it was going to be lame but it was really fun and we learned a new dance and met new people.

Sunday we all got up and went to church. I felt bad there were so many visitors there i think that it was mostly visitors and a few were regulars. then we came home and ate lunch and took naps and watched movies. the we played some games. We got some minuet to win it games and played them. it was fun.

Logan playing MTWI

Skyler and Keyan and the stack cup game

Merrill and Tiffany

(Tiff was the champion over everyone)

Spencer found a small rope and was trying to jump rope with it. it was fun to watch.

It turned out to be a great fun weekend.