Monday, January 31, 2011

Spencer's Birthday

This is my brother Spencer! On Jan 30Th he turned 18! Spencer has been a blessing in my life for all 18 years. He is the sweetest, very kind, super funny, and one of the best littler brothers any one could ask for. Some of my favorite memories of him are when he wore his superman jammies(cape included) and tried flying up the stairs.(at least it was up and not down) Him taking my hair claw clips and putting them on his wrist as a lazer and running around the house like buzz light year and shooting you. Playing soccer and being so good that we had to bribe him not to score. Sticking his spoon(or fork) in the light socket and getting electrocuted and his hair standing up for what felt like a year. When in JR High I was a choir mom and drove him and a few of his friends around to sing and them throwing candy at other cars.. Spencer and Shiree dates( I buy the tickets he buys the popcorn) His plays, Watching him run( He is super fast I think his PR for the mile is 4 min and 46 sec) Cheering for him and my aunt in the Wasatch back last year(all 188 miles) and much much more. He is just an amazing kid. I can't wait to see what he does for the rest of his life.

So on Saturday we as a family spent the afternoon and evening doing what Spencer wanted. First we went to see Unstoppable at the Kaysville Theater. Oh man I love that movie. The movie is so good and so suspenseful. It had a bunch of language but it was a good movie.
Then we went to Spencer's favorite restaurant to eat.. Wingers.. I think almost all of us got something with sticky fingers in it. It was good.
Then we went to Nickle Cade in Riverdale and played games. It was so much fun. Everyone played(even mom)
Spencer Playing Games

Dj, Spencer (Dressed as Twins) Me, and Janice

It was a great day. Then on Sunday we had a huge family dinner with everyone(Brooke & Logan and Grandma and Grandpa) and we had Chocolate Bunt Cake and Ice cream.

Love Ya Spencer! I am glad that you are my brother!

Baby Shower

Marissa, Sarah, Me

I was so excited when I found out that my friend Sarah was going to have a baby. I was even more excited when I got an invite to her baby shower and that I could go. I have been missing my "Barnes" friends lately and It was so wonderful that I could see them again.

I have to say Sarah is one of the cutest pregant girls that I have seen. She is due in March. She is going to be a great mom! I am so so excited for her and her husband.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Random Craziness of January

OK so since the last time that I blogged this is what has happened...

Bridal Shower: Me and my mom went to Ashli Allred's Bridal shower. She is so cute and I wish her the best of luck. It was also nice to see Tarahsue and catch up with her. She is going to be having a little boy in a few months and she looks super cute prego. :)

Spencer: Spencer had his very last Musical Production performance. they did a musical melodies from all different era's( 60's 70's 80's) and other popular and fun songs. he did such a great job. I am truly going to miss seeing him preform. He is so good at it. I really loved their performance of Glee's Lean on me. It was GREAT!

Date: I got asked out on a date! (Shocker) :) and it was fun. we ended up going to the fun park and playing a game of bowling and lazer tag. I think that i came 2 to last both times.(there were 4 of us) then we went to "the Factory" (i think that is what it is called) it is in the basement of and Italian place on main street next to Logan hero's. Oh MAN, it was super good pizza. it is deep dish Chicago style and it is super wonderful. i totally recommend this place. :)

Date2: I know it is amazing to have one date and i had 2 in the same week. So my friend Denise set me up on a blind date. she has been trying for a long time and it never seemed to work. We went up to hardware ranch and had a sleigh ride to see the elk. We lucked out and it was pretty good weather(not too cold and sunny) and I learned a lot.:) then we went out to Chili's( which is one of my favorites) and ate. It was really fun and I really enjoyed getting to catch up with Denise and her husband.

New Roommate: We got a new roommate. Her name is Brooke. She is super cute. she was in another apartment in FG and moved over with us and into Lindsey Room. I love her to death. she is so nice, fun and just amazing. we have been bonding over watching The Big Bang Theory and laughing our guts out. I am excited to have her.

Roommate Engaged: My other new roommate Krista just got engaged! :) Yeah! She is so so cute! I am so happy for her and Treck. They are such a cute couple! He proposed at Stake Ski night( I think that is where on of there first dates were) and then they got to go to San Diego on a trip with his family. they were planning on having the wedding at the end of the semester but with his job that wont work so they just moved it up to spring break. Crazy but awesome!

Bones: So Bones has started again. Oh MAN I LOVE THIS SHOW! it is still on Thursdays but it got moved to 8:00 which is good cause i can come home from work and watch it now. :)

Genology: I have been working on doing some genology and helping out my grandpa Jones. well there is this family line that is SUPER hard to find and has been giving us some trouble. But the other day I found some stuff. OH man i was so so super excited. I hope i can find more. :)

Dad: So my dad is super amazing and I LOVE him tons! he found some lady's wallet on his way to work and picked it up to find who it went to so he could give it back. trying to contact her proved to be difficult but he did it and was able to return it. they were truly grateful. He is such a great guy and a wonderful example to me. Love ya Dad!

Work: Well, this is what i do with most of my time. I love it though. I work with some great people and they make it fun to be at work.

Lindsey: I was able to go to dinner with Lindsey just the 2 of us. Oh man it was so so great to see her. I miss her so. it was great to catch up and talk and laugh. I am so truly lucky to have her as a friend.

Well I think that i covered it all. there are still a few days left so i will try and keep up. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!!!

So Yesterday was a pretty cool day. :)

It started out pretty early but that is OK it was all worth it. I got up and got ready and then me and mom took Skyler to school. It was actually funny cause I forget that Skyler is a kid. I am driving and all of a sudden he comes flying from the back seat and hits my arm and yells "SLUG BUG" I was taken by complete surprise and then had to pay quick attention to my surroundings. (i saw 3 on the way home)

Then came I think my most favorite part of the day... :) Me and mom went to our backdoor neighbors house to help watch and play with the TWINS! Yeah!!! I think I told everybody that I talked to that I was going to play with the TWINS! they are the cutest thing. they are 4 months this weekish. I got to play with Naomi the whole time. James was more comfortable with my mom. Oh man it was so much fun to just talk and make them laugh and coo and feed them, burp them, hold them while they nap and play with them and Just smell them. OH it was totally bliss. it is amazing how being around tiny babies can just make the world seem all better. :) It was great since there was me and my mom that their mom could get stuff done.

After holding babies for a while me and mom went to lunch and went shopping for a little while. We stopped at my Grandparents because my grandma is amazing and fixed one of my favorite jackets that ripped. then we went home and mad dinner and i relaxed for a little bit. Then I got ready for the other Main event of the day.

Natasha and I grew up together in the same ward and it was her wedding reception. I am so excited for her. I wish her all the happiness in the world. Me and my mom went to her reception. it was beautiful and it was totally Natasha. She had a beautiful dress and there was great food. Her and her husband met in a bell choir and so they had them playing beautiful relaxing music. I Got to talk to people from my home ward who I have not seen for a while. (I seriously have the best home ward in the world.) They care so much and were so interested in what I am up to and how things are going. Of course I got the question "when is your wedding" and "Your Next" and all of those fun things. I don't mind because I know that they care. Well it got to the end of the reception and to the event that most everyone was waiting for....


Natasha is a licenced pyrotechnician. It was so awesome. they had everyone go out on the patio area and then there was a spot for the bride and groom to come in at and they came out to a thing that looked like to blow up dynamite and we counted down to from 10 and then they pushed down the lever and then FIREWORKS! It was so so cool.

What a great day!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nils Birthday-New Years Eve 2010

Happy Birthday Nils!!!
On Friday Dec 31 it was my forgein exchange brother Nils birthday! He turned 18. YEAH!

My mom made him a traditional Swedish Birthday cake. it was made with Swedish pancakes, jam, fruit and whip cream... Yum! It was so so good.

We sang to him and ate cake and then he and Spencer left to go and party. :) He had talked to his Parents earlier that day and they went to the movies and he opened presents earlier also. :)

Then that left me, mom, dad, and Skyler home and we just chilled for a while and then at 10 my aunt Melinda, Landon, keyan and jarin came over and we played the dance game on the wii for a while and brought in the new year with some spiked grape juice and dad sky and i lit off some old fireworks that dad found in the garage. the we went to bed. :) It was great!
I am super excited for the new year and all the wonderful things that it could bring.

Lindsey& Curtis Wedding

On Friday December 31st my wonderful roommate Lindsey and dear friend Curtis got married. It was so beautiful and fun. I have enjoyed watching their relationship from beginning to end(well not total end) :) It was a very interesting courtship but it totally works for them. They are the cutest couple ever and i am so excited for them.

The sealing was at 10 in the Logan temple and then they had a luncheon at 1 at the river woods.

My favorite part of the sealing was when Lindsey did her "Lindsey Giggle" and all of us who new Lindsey had to giggle also.

So we went down to wait for them to come out of the temple but it was only like 4 degrees outside so we all crowded inside the small opening of the Logan temple. Me, Anthony, Emma and a few other people crowded around a small heater vent in between the doors. one of our favorite things that happen is this old man came up to Anthony and told him a silly joke. Oh man we could not stop laughing. :) then FINALLY they came out.

Oh They look so cute together! Lindsey looks so so beautiful! I love her Winter Coat thing and muff. We took like a few just group photos cause it was so so cold and then we just had to meet up at the luncheon.
Lindsey and I love HOCHO(Hot Chocolate) so so much and she had a HOCHO bar there for when you showed up and we waited while they finished pictures:) it was great. Lindsey and I went to the Riverwoods to check out the place to see if she wanted it there and we got to try the food and OH MAN It is so so good. So i was super excited for Lunch. And it was super good.
A group of us who were friends of the bride and groom ended up sitting together and making new friends it was a blast.
Me Lindsey & Curtis

The Group of Friends

Me and Lindsey

It was a super good day and I am really super excited for them. I am going to miss Lindsey super super super much. She has been my angle for the past little bit. she started out as my VT companion and then in April i said i was looking for a place to live and she said that one of her roommates might be moving out and that i could possible take her spot. well that is what happened. Lindsey is seriously and angle and a super good friend. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.