Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lagoon Day 2011

Oh June 9th was Dad's Lagoon and the day before Nils left to go back home. So it was our last big family event. We had a lot of fun and really appricate dads company for putting it on. We took lots of pictures and had lots of laughs.

Here are all the kids getting read for Jet Star

Brooke Logan Spencer on the "Egg Beaters"

Brookie got super squished.

Me Skyler and Nils

I think that Nils had a lot of fun squishing skyler

Skyler Nils Logan and Brooke on the Bumper cars

Me Skyler and Mom on the Tilta Whirl

We got it going so well. It is one of mom's favorites.

Logan Brooke Spencer Skyler and Nils In line for the Rocket Re-Entry

Me and two cute little girls on Samari

Nils Skyler Logan Brooke and Spencer on Samari

Nils and Me on the White Rollercoaster

Skyler and Spencer on the white Rollarcoaster.

ok, so as the ride got going I heard these Massive Girl screams I started laughing so so hard cause i thought they were coming from skyler but there were some gils in front of him. :)

Nils Logan Brooke and Spencer(skyler on the other side of spencer) on the Tidle Wave

Dad Mom and Me on the Tidal Wave

Spencer and Skyler on the Swings

Me on the Swings

Ok so we went over to Raddle Snake Rapids after dinner and everyone but mom rode it. now we have been on that ride so many times but none of us have ever had that much fun on it. I laughed so hard my side ached. we really did not want to get wet but ya have to ride this ride. well the boat spun in circles the whole time it was crazy. everyone kept moving up and down and to the side and every direction just not to get wet. it was so so funny

and of course we got dricnched by the water fall

all of us after words

All WET!

So since they were already wet they decided to go on the Cliffhanger.

oh boy that was a mistake. they got soaked! it was funny watching them.

This is an after Picture. Soaked from head to toe.

they are all squizing out their clothes, socks and shoes and a waterfall of water came out. they were so so wet!

Trying to dry off in the sun

Riding Wicked

Dj and Skyler on the Spider

Me and Skyler on the Wild Mouse

Brooke Loand and Skyler on the Music Express

Dj and Nils

Me and Spencer

Me and Skyler

It was a super fun day!

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